Blessing the church,

So the church can be a

Blessing to God’s people

How You Can Help


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Our Stewardship

Volunteer hours served in 2021

Families served in 2021


Percentage of proceeds towards church support

About Us

Our Mission

The St. John AME Church Foundation exists to broaden the economic base of the church so that it can continue to be a long term community asset.

Our Vision

The St. John AME Church Foundation will contribute to the mission of the St. John AME Church, as “A Church Without Walls”, by providing financial support to its various outreach initiatives, as well as ensuring the viability of the church remaining as a contributing asset to the Worthington Community.

Our Objectives

1. Continue to build the Foundation’s endowment fund.
2. Seek new opportunities to establish community relationships.
3. Provide economic support to St. John AME Church initiatives that align with the church’s vision, “A Church Without Walls”.

Who Are We?

St. John AME Church Foundation is a tax-exempt organization separate from, but allied to, St. John AME Church, 7700 Crosswoods Drive, Columbus, Ohio, 43235. The Foundation, established in 1986 as a 501(3)(c) organization, is a public charity under federal tax laws. Our goal is to develop an asset base whose earnings could be used for projects beyond the normal expenses of the St. John AME Church.

The Board


President Ms. Philippa Houston
Vice President Mr. Dwayne Maynard, Esq.
Secretary Dr. Adrienne Carr
Treasurer Mr. John Beatty
Financial Secretary Mr. Michael Ducksworth

General Members

Mr. Claude Bailey
Dr. Robert Chosy
Dr. Annie Marie Garraway Deep
Mr. William Fields
Mr. Richard Macer
Ms. Kathy Starks
Rev. Dr. Ruth McCants Locke (Ex-officio)

Upcoming Events

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Contact Us

P.O. Box 1004
Worthington, OH 43085-1004

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